Wash Rider Blog — resistance

Kayak and Surfski resistance training that will make you paddle faster 0
Runners have hills, cyclists have hills as well as gears to add resistance to their training. Paddlers we have resistance too. Resistance training is highly beneficial to paddlers as it increases drag on the kayak or surfski which requires more work on your paddling muscles to move your kayak forward. Whether you paddle surfski, sprint or marathon kayaks there are benefits to adding resistance training to your paddling. In the gym weight training is great for paddlers to increase their strength but it doesn’t have the same specificity of working the paddle stroke muscles with additional resistance while balancing the kayak. To increase your maximum power for faster starts or to catch another runner in the ocean you and your coach will be able to put resistance to good use in your kayak training.
- Kieran Babich
- Tags: k1 kayak kayak training marathon kayaking ocean ski paddling resistance resistance strap sprint kayaking surfski