Survey: Paddler Seat Comfort

Survey: Paddler Seat Comfort

Nearly every paddler we know has experienced the discomfort of butt cuts, numb legs or rub marks from the surfski or kayak seats. We think you’d agree it’s probably the worst thing about paddling.

It’s also a very individual fit with the three dimensions to be considered of the seat shape, the paddler’s shape and the paddler’s technique or movement. There is one consistent point though, the large number of paddlers trying to paddle without pain!

The aim of this post's survey is to gain a better understanding the patterns (if any) between the three dimensions of seat shape, paddler shape and paddler movement. The data gathered on any patterns will ideally educate or inform products to reduce or solve paddlers problems for their individual situations.

If you would like to be part of this project, please complete this anonymous survey. It’s open to anyone who paddles surfskis or racings kayaks. If you experience pain or sores from your surfski or kayak seats we would like you to participate in either or both of these brief surveys.

Please consider sharing this post and its surveys with your paddling friends and social networks. The more data we can collect, the easier it will be to find patterns and draw helpful conclusions.

If you're ready to start, please select your primary craft (surfski or kayak) survey below. If you paddle both craft and get numbness or pain, please complete both surveys. Thank you in advance!

Thanks for participating in these surveys. The survey is now closed. We'll share a link to the findings here on the Wash Rider blog soon.

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  • Kieran Babich
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